The Study 2013 made by Hoschschule Fresenius shows that CAds and PreRoll-Ads are equally accepted by users. However, CAds are even integrated in locations, to which the user was not used to until now.
Based on our experiences, we recommend the following Usability-Measures in order to implement CAds successfully. We will gladly help you to create your individual Usability-Concept, too. Contact us!
Ihr Ansprechpartner für alle Publisher-Fragen:
Andreas Pfeiffer
Head of AdManagement
+49 (89) – 411 47 109 – 9
[email protected]

How is the usability of CAds?
- Input option: CAds are right from the 1. second answerable.
- Typing error: The solicited input pardons spelling mistakes.
- Level of difficulty: The answer emerges very fast from image and sound, as there is an additional branding area integrated in the video.
- Skipping: In comparison to conventional PreRoll-Ads, CAds allow to shorten the duration of the video by solving it.
- Comparison of acceptance: The acceptance of CAds and conventional PreRoll-Ads is identical (look at Study).
- Additional value: Given that the user gets value added from the website operator for filling in, he accepts the format.
- User guidance: The user consumes advertisement without being distracted from their actual target.
Contact us for further information
We will gladly send you more information. Please contact us at: [email protected].