CAdCaptcha – user-friendly SPAM-protection
CAdCaptcha is the classical CAd! It is being implemented as a replacement for Captchas into spots where there must be ensured that a human being and not a machine (e.g. „Spambot“) has filled out the form.
Favorite implementation spots
Registration, newsletter sign out
As security barrier in raffle forms
CAdwall - Monetization of premium content
CAdwall enables website providers to monetize precious content in a manner that is accepted by the user: Solving a CAd releases an amount which would be to little for traditional online payments. Information about CAdwall for online newspapers you can find here.
Favorite implementation spots
To earn virtual currencies / goods
Before starting a mini game
Personality tests
Before getting test results
Software, documents or pictures
Social networks
Votings, looking for profiles
Calculators (e.g.BMI), changing user data
Adding contacts, sending messages, opening threads, commenting articles
CAdRoll – the PreRoll, where the user has got a choice
CAdRoll is - as the well known advertising medium PreRoll/MidRoll - being placed in front of or within moving-image contents. Through input of the right answer, the commercial skips and the user directy proceeds to the desired content. Also possible: Pure PreRolls without quesion-answer-systematics.
CAd is compatible to VAST and VPAID. Thereby CAds can be displayed directly in the video player, without additional embedding effort by the publisher.
Favorite implementation spots
PreRoll, MidRoll
Before or between video contents
Demonstrator - Integration spots for CAds

Contact us for further information
Andreas Pfeiffer
Head of AdManagement
+49 (89) – 411 47 109 – 9
[email protected]