Jan Philipp Hinrichs
Founder & CEO
+49 (0)89 - 237 129 - 21
[email protected]

Why CAdwall instead of paywall?
- Your content gets monetized - but stays accessible for everyone!! This is also valid for search-engine bots, that can read out the content entirely.
- The CAdwall is accecpted by users. The bounce rate is below 10%.
- Only high quality commercials are used. You can find a couple of examples in our showroom.
- The CAd-player reaches a very high advertising effect what results in a high payout..
- The technical integration is easy, fast and individual adaptable on the publisher’s needs.
The CAdwall® recieves high acceptance values amongst the users
The bounce rate for CAdwall®-implements lies for example in the entertainment sector in the lower single-digit percentage range. In locations, where the user recieves a noticeable added value, e.g. before high-quality content like online articles or virtual goods, which otherwise must be paid, the acceptance of adverts is extremely high and the bounce rate therefore very low.
According to a specially commissioned studie, users react towards CAds with a comparable acceptance like towards the common and accepted PreRoll ads.

Easy integration - with or without teaser function
The technical integration of CAdwall® is easy and flexible to control. So it is for example possible to only show CAdwall® to readers, who entered the website over Google or only cover particularly high-quality articles with CAdwall®, while others stay available for free.
For the concrete implementation there are, however, two alternatives available:
- CAdwall® as a layer: When entering the article page a layer is laid over the complete page. In order to read the full article one needs’ to solve the CAdwall®. On this page the CAdwall® is implemented as a layer: Click here or reload the page in order to try the integration out again.
- CAdwall® with a teaser: The beginning of the artcile, e.g. the first paragraph, stays freely readable. If one wants to go on reading, they must first solve the CAdwall®.
Test the CAdwall on your website!
Because of the fast integration the CAdwall can be tested easily. We gladly consult you in technical questions. Contact us!